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I love Lullabies.

I love to sing lullabies and sometimes I even find the inspiration and courage to write one.

The interesting thing is that cultures around the world 

have their own lullabies, though they aren't passed from one culture to another. It seems that mothers all around the world figured out that singing these sweet melodies to a restless child helps to calm, and bring them to sleep.

Lullabies have the power soothe and comfort all of us, even adults, and helps us to let go of our fears, to sleep and dream in peace.
The intimacy of a lullaby creates one of the rare moments that we truly sing to another human being. It is my joy to share this nurturing with you. Sweet Dreams...


My music box is

my instrument! 

Unlike a normal music box that constantly repeats one song, this one uses unique sheet music that glides through the box, creating soft and

soothing tones for

each song.

Mar 30, 2016

First lullaby album can be ordered now!

The first lullaby album is out now, through the generosity of many donors who supported the crowdfunding  campaign. A comfort for your sleepless nights, or a perfect gift for couples with babies who could use some lullaby inspiration. The album can be ordered now. Just send me a message and let me know if you prefer me to send you a cd by mail, or if you would like to get access to the digital album. May these traveling lullabies bring you colorful dreams.

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Singing a Dutch lullaby to kindergarteners in Peru!

Learn more about Pachamama's Lullabies here...

If you send me your email address, I’ll send you a lullaby! I’ll even keep share where the LullabieZzzz are traveling to, and maybe send you a lullaby every now and again. ZZzzzzzzzzzz.......

Congrats! You’ll receive a lullaby soon!

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© 2015 by Traveling LullabieZzzz. Proudly created by Moon and Pea Designs with

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